Fall is a great time of year for fly fishing. Fish are aggressive pre-spawn, water temps have cooled down, and often the crowds are a fraction of what is seen in the Spring months. To fully enjoy the season, you want to have the best fly fishing gear for fall. Here's our fall fly fishing gear guide to help.Read now
Best Fall Fly Patterns For Trout
What are the best fall fly patterns? Although most people think of trout fishing as taking place in the spring, the fall months can present trout fishing opportunities that rival spring conditions. Excellent streamer fishing opportunities open up as trout bulk and become more territorial prior to the winter months.Read now -
How to Tie a Frostbite Midge Variation
Midges are one of the most important food sources for trout. They make up about 25 percent of a trout’s diet and are available year-round making it a popular winter pattern. The pattern we will be covering today is the frostbite midge.Read now -
Patagonia Forra Wading Boots Review
The Patagonia Forra Wading Boots are a new product that us at TCO Fly Shop are very excited about. Some of us were lucky enough to have early access to these boots, and an opportunity to test them out before they came to market. We decided we would share some of what we found about these boots with you!Read now -
Best Fly Fishing Accessories
Read nowAccessories are an essential part of fly fishing. If you walk into your local fly shop, you may be overwhelmed by all of the accessory options. It can be challenging to know which accessories to prioritize. You wouldn’t want to...
Caddis Lifecycle by Fulling Mill
Read nowJust like mayflies, caddis are an abundant food source in trout streams around the United States. If you're nymphing, we have some of our favorite pupa patterns here. If the fish are keyed on emerging caddis, we have those too....
Top Tarpon Flies by Fulling Mill
Read nowFor many fly anglers tarpon are a bucket list species. If you’re like us, you probably have images of them going airborne seared in your brain. Seeing a fish of that size in the air is something you can’t simply...
How To Tie The Walt's Worm & Sexy Walt's Worm
Read nowThe Walt’s worm is one of my most productive flies in my fly box and has been for many years. What’s even more profound is it’s nothing more than dubbing on a hook. Who knew that this fly would become...
Top 10 New Dry Flies for 2023 - posted by Fulling Mill
Read nowWe’re counting down the months until we’re standing in a river with bugs hatching all around us with trout rising to them. Whether you find yourself fishing mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies, or another bug entirely we added many new dries to...