Catching Lake Trout and Pike on the Fly in Northern Saskatchenwan
Most fishermen when they think of Lake Trout they think the only way to catch them is by trolling big plugs and spoons in very deep water. While that is true for most of year, Lake Trout can be caught on a fly.
During the middle part of September when water temperatures start to drop and the days get shorter the Lake Trout move from their deep water holes on to shallow rocky reefs and points to get ready to spawn. The male Lake Trout are smaller than the females and more plentiful. These males range from 5-10 lbs. The larger females can get very big with some weighing well over fifty pounds.
I had the opportunity to fish for these great fish at Scott Lake Lodge in Northern Saskatchewan September 11th through September 16th. I caught this beautiful 41" Lake Trout on the Sage Igniter rod and a matching Sage Spectrum Max reel with a Scientific Anglers floating line in 6' of water. The fly was a simple 3 1/2" olive and white clouser.
I also had the opportunity to catch Northern Pike, the Pike are heaviest this time of year. They know the winter is coming and are feeding aggressively. I caught four over 40" with the largest measuring 43".
This was a great trip and I'm happy to share my experience with you if you have questions or are planning a trip to fish for these giant Lake Trout or Pike. Please feel free to give me a call at the Bryn Mawr shop.
Shop Mark's set up:
Sage Igniter Rod, 9ft 8wt
Sage Spectrum Max Reel 7/8wt
Scientific Angler Amplitude Smooth-Infinity Taper Line, 8wt
Mark works out of the TCO - Bryn Mawr location. To find out more about Mark, please click on his bio link: https://www.tcoflyfishing.com/pages/mark-yocum
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