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Opened in 2005

834 West Lancaster Ave Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

The team at TCO Bryn Mawr are regularly outfitting customers for travel around the planet. With its vast and varied inventory and situated conveniently on the main thoroughfare (the Mainline) to the city, TCO Bryn Mawr is a haven for the fly fisher and outdoor enthusiast.

Meet the TCO Bryn Mawr Staff:

John Parisi

TCO Bryn Mawr Store Manager

I started fly fishing around age ten in the trout streams of the Lehigh Valley and Pocono area with a secondhand fiberglass rod my parents bought from a thrift store. My dad and I would get outdoors just about every weekend exploring every blue line stream we could find. I was mostly self taught learning as much as I could from books and magazines at the time. I started tying flies not long after and still remember catching my first wild trout on a dry fly I tied. I grew up oil painting as well so the wild trout and the rivers they live in have always been great subjects for artwork. I started working for TCO in 2015 and have learned an incredible amount about fishing and fly tying from fellow guides and coworkers. My favorite thing about this job is passing on some of that knowledge to clients on guide trips and tying classes.

Favorite Places to Fish:

My favorite streams to fish will always be the limestone creeks of Pennsylvania but I really enjoyed Montana, Colorado, and Northern California. Catching peacock bass in Brazil was also an incredible experience.

Favorite Species to Target:

  • Brown Trout
  • Steelhead
  • Smallmouth Bass 

Kyle Curry

TCO Bryn Mawr Retail Associate

I grew up Bass Fishing ponds and searching for the elusive 10 pound largemouth. At about 15 years old I was introduced to fly fishing from a random internet video. I saved up some money and ordered a complete starter kit and became completely addicted and have been ever since. While in the military living in upstate New York I fished local ponds and streams for smallmouth bass, Then moved back to PA and started really focusing on fly fishing for brown trout. I have always wanted to make a career out of fly fishing but really never knew how. In 2024 after working for the government and being a private investigator for a few years I decided to try and take the leap into the fly fishing industry. It was the best decision I have ever made! I am humbled by how many great people and great fly anglers there are at TCO! After almost a year working full time with TCO I can proudly say this is the best company and best job in the world. I look forward to starting my guiding career in 2025 and teaching tying/ technique classes, and to continue learning from my coworkers!

Favorite Places to Fish

Lehigh valley, Central PA, New York

Favorite Species to Target

Brown Trout

Steve Turrisi

TCO Bryn Mawr Retail Associate

I was introduced to fly fishing by my father. He bought a rod and a reel when I was 7 for Christmas. That spring we fished for the first time at Ridley Creek State Park. I remember getting carried out to the middle of the creek cause I was too little to cross myself.

Favorite Places to Fish

Lehigh Valley and So Central PA spring creeks. Fishing a spring creek is challenging and very rewarding. 

Favorite Species to Target

Brown Trout and steelhead