I was 20 years old when I began this venture into what has become an amazing ride! So many characters and influential personalities along the way that helped paved what has become the largest fly fishing retail operation in the US. I recently came across this TCO Flyer that I made in 2001. This was a few years after the advent of the internet and still a time when direct marketing meant printing flyers and mailing them to customers homes! I had our local printer produce 2,000 or more of these and hand write (along with my wife and friends/family) the names and addresses of our customers. We would then attach a stamp to each and drop in the mailbox. Amazing how things have changed!
Anyway, enjoy this glimpse of TCO as it was back in 2001.
Thank you all for the love & support over the years... "without love in the dream, it will never come true" - Jerry Garcia
Tony Gehman
President - TCO Fly Fishing