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TCO Fly Tying Class: All Things Hackle with Frank Landis

Original price $ 25.00 - Original price $ 25.00
Original price
$ 25.00
$ 25.00 - $ 25.00
Current price $ 25.00

Join Relentless Fly Fishing Guide and TCO Fly Shop outfitter Frank Landis and learn how to incorporate all types of hackle into your tying. In addition to tying a handful of patterns, the class will be a great opportunity to wrap your head around how we use all types of hackle feathers for dries, nymphs and streamers. Some things we will cover include how dry fly hackle is graded, which feathers make sense for various tiers to buy, sizing hackle, an overview of different soft hackles, rooster vs hen, and much more. This class will be great for someone who wants to get started tying some dry flies and to learn the basic skills necessary for working with feathers in general. Though not ideal for the complete novice, anyone with basic tying skills could participate in this class.   

Please bring your vice and tools but materials provided.  

When: Wednesday February 26th / 6-8 PM
Location: TCO Boiling Springs
Length of Class: 2 Hours
Cost: $25
Number of Participants: 10